S p a c e B a r r a g e

You lead a convoy of transportation barges across enemy space. The barges themselves are without weapons, but when the enemy attacks, you can unleash your deadly cargo. You are transporting weapons supplies, so use the shield generators to set a perimeter and distribute your missile launchers inside. If the enemy gets too close, you're done for.

If you've played Atari's arcade game, Rampart, you'll have a good idea how this game works. It's sort of Missile Command meets Tetris meets Qix. This take on the game uses a style similar to classic Vector based arcade games like Tempest, Battlezone, and Star Wars. In the tradition of those games it is also a harsh challenge. What stage can you reach?

This game was an entry in the 21 days later: Vectorized contest at iDevGames.com
It is in development by Aaron Sullivan with music by Amy Sullivan
Many of the sound effects were found freely available to mac programmers at iDevGames
glAArg was used for anti-aliased lines and points in OpenGL

Stay Tuned! The final Mac and Windows free edition of SpaceBarrage will be completed after Snowball is finished in time for the uDevGames 2004 contest. If you just can't wait to play an updated version there is a mac beta and a windows beta. I'm not responsible for what they do to your computer.

download the "21 days" entry version of SpaceBarrage Game (Mac OS X only)
download the "21 Days" entry version of SpaceBarrage source code (project file for Xcode)

SpaceBarrage uses the SDL and SDL_mixer libraries which are under the GNU LGPL license.

SPACE BARRAGE, Copyright (c) 2004 Aaron Sullivan. All rights reserved.